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tv   MSNBC Live With Thomas Roberts  MSNBC  August 7, 2015 10:00am-12:01pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. today on "msnbc live" back at it. one day after gop debate number one, many of the hopefuls are in atlanta. this hour they are there for the red state gathering. already on the stage odd governor chris christie and former governor rick perry. in 30 minutes we're going to hear from governor bobby jindal and later this afternoon carly fiorina and senator marco rubio are going to be speaking. we'll have more on that later. first, the talk of the political world continues to center on the very first republican debate. the top ten candidate faced off last night in many ways and they didn't disappoint. it was full of fiery exchanges and one line zingers, even jeers. all of the focus was on donald trump. this morning trump and some of the other candidates reacted and reflected to what happened. >> other than the first question
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was tough, you know, raise your hand, and i raised my hand an obviously i'm the only one ho raised my hand. there was a bill out of wrangling in the room. >> the reviews that matter are not the pundit, it's the people watching who have to make a decision at the ballot box. >> missed opportunity to talk about things that really mattered. did you understand what our position on immigration was after this debate? >> the people in iowa and new hampshire are going to be looking at the substantive answers to the questions and going to say who is hitting on the themes that i really care about? >> so we've got every angle covered for you this our. msnbc jane is back from cleveland. nbc news editor mark murray. former republican palin spokesperson and former governor bill richardson. jane, let me start with you and with nbc news political editor mark. did he hurt himself or help himself last night? >> so far he's so far from
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defying political gravity. so many people thought his race was over when he compared mexicans to rapists and when he criticized john mccain's war service and war record. none of those things actually came to fruition. of course people are saying donald trump is now in a war with fox news over the questioning of the -- that he received last night. this now might signal the end of his campaign and his poll numbers will start to go down. the answer is we just don't know that the point we're going tv to see what future polling ends up showing. what i will say, thomas, the trump we saw last night's debate is pretty much the same trump we've seen on the campaign trail over the past month or so. >> this is definitely a point in television last night, and, jane, mark brought this up but very tense moments that happened between donald trump and megyn kelly who was one of three moderators. take a look. >> you've called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.
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your twitter account -- >> only rosie o'donnell. >> how will you answer the charge when hillary clinton who is likely to be the democratic nominee that you are part of the war on women? >> i guess the big problem this country has is being politically correct. i've been -- what i say is what i say. and honestly, megyn, if you don't like it. i'm sorry. i've been very nice to you although i probably not be based on the way you've treated me but i wouldn't do that. >> trump refuted claims from megyn kelly earlier on "morning joe." is there any indication the trump campaign is really worried about how this could impact, support, women for trump? >> no. to the contrary we've seen him promote this retweet that calls her a bimbo. we're going to see a critical mass eventually here where donald trump is going to offend so many people there aren't many people left. there are supporters who are going to say, of course we're done with the political
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correctness. we're over that. and his fans really always say that. that was a great response on his part and sort of to turn people's opinion on that, the idea. but at the end of the day if you and women, 53% of the electorate. >> as we stop talking about donald trump for now because there are 17 in all that have had an opportunity to present themselves last night. mark, we look at other candidates and we friday morning quarterback on this one. what's the general consensus on who was able to stand out and pop, gain momentum moving forward? >> well, standing out and popping when donald trump dominated so much of the conversation is difficult to do. but two republicans did stand out last night. one was florida senator marco rubio, had some nice moments talking about immigration, talking -- had a joke about the democratic party. those are opportunities to be able to steal a moment or two, have a sound bite when so much of the focus is on donald trump. thomas, another one who ended up standing out, ohio governor john kasich who certainly benefitted from the home state crowd.
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ended up getting applause throughout the contest and throughout the debate. and that helped him. >> all right. so what about appealing to other voters, jane? through the questions that they had do you think they opened themselves up with the answers that we were given, cogent answers to policy questions? >> i watched the debate with more moderates, discerning group. iowa concerning activists and they know how hard tsds to win a presidential election. you have to take ohio to do that. . and when they saw this they laughed at donald trump, they enjoyed what he said, they enjoyed the equips. but they really were like more interested in kasich and marco rub rubio. you know, they were looking for these answers to the seemingly conservative liabilities like expanding medicaid in ohio, you know, john kasich answered the question about what he would do with gay children with a lot of compassion. he hit that compassion and conservatism thing that the gops have been struggling to find again. >> attractive certainly for
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millennials and getting younger voters to pay attention. this was appointment tv for a lot of people interested to find out where these other candidates stand. just because they knew donald trump was going to be standing in the middle. msnbc's jane tim and nbc's mark murray. thank you. one of the biggest moments of the night came at the very beginning of the debate. the candidates were asked to raise their hands if they could not pledge to run under a third party banner if they didn't get the nomination. only one person raised their hand. it was donald trump. >> raise your hand now if you won't make that pledge tonight. mr. trump. >> i can totally make that pledge if i'm the nominee i will pledge i would not run as an independent. >> just to be clear you can't make -- we're going to move on. you're not going to make the pledge tonight. >>ly not make the pledge at this time. >> will not make the pledge but will support himself if he gets the nod from the republican party. joining me now former new mexico governor bill richardson and
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former mccain/palin spokesperson. ben, let me start with you because nothing really seems to derail trump's rise so far. what about the refusal to take this pledge? we know reince priebus had asked people to take a pledge. now he's saying, it's no big deal. but what do you think that that says, is it a disqualifier right out of the gate? >> i don't know if i could characterize it as that but the one thing that people love about donald trump that they can't stand about other politicians is that he is willing to say anything regardless of who it offends, regardless of what it means and i think that that's why people are taking a look at him and thinking this is actually extremely interesting. so i don't think that last night anybody raising their hands is going to be remembered in a few months unless he actually does it and i think that will have to wait and see. i think he's going to be around long enough just because of the money and the interest that we'll have to just wait and see if that's something he will consider. >> as you say he's willing to say anything. let's remind everybody a few of the greatest hits from donald trump last night. >> our leaders are stupid. our politicians are stupid.
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you know, most of the people on this stage i've given to. just so you understand. a lot of money. i don't think you heard me. you're having a hard time tonight. with hillary clinton, i said, be at my wedding and she came to my wedding. you know why? she had no choice because i gave. these lenders are not babies. these are total killers. these are not the nice, sweet little people that you think, okay? i had the good sense to leave atlantic city which, by the way, caesar's just went bankrupt. every company, chris can tell you. >> there is just a few glimpses of what we out witnessed last night. governor, let me ask you. you participated in these kind of nominating debates before. two parts here. how would you rate trump's performance and are we looking at a potential for 1992 all over again where we have a bush, a clinton, and a rich independent because 1992 we had bill clinton, george w. bush, and ross perot possibly for 2016 hillary clinton, jeb bush, and
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donald trump. >> well, i believe that trump has become a biggal ba tros with the republicans. i think the debate last night showed that. first of all, he's going to turn off republican voters when he doesn't endorse the republican nominee. i mean, every republican voter in the country is going to see that. secondly, he continues to inflame on the immigration issue and that hispanic vote is going to be critical for republicans to get to 40% that they may need to win. and then lastly, you know he's a carnival barker. i think the american people and republican voters are going to see that he's kind of a sideshow. so i don't think he grows beyond that 20%. i do agree that rubio and john kasich, particularly, i served with kasich in the house. he's a moderate. he's sensible. he talked about economic growth. mentally ill. he sounded like he really cared about people. so i think the two big winners are rubio, who talked about
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immigration, who talked about economic growth, small business, hispanic who is an attractive candidate beyond hysterectomy pan -- his hispanic base. jeb bush, i frankly, think he did okay. he made the most compelling positive arguments with the hispanic vote on education, which is very important, and immigration. he was the only one that was for earning a legal status in a sensible position on immigration. so i think long run general election, bush helps himself. >> all right. but if we look at this as donald trump being the front-runner and everybody else trying to play catch-up, ben, with the exception of rand paul, all other candidates really seemed to steer clear of confronting trump. how long do you think that can last? >> women,ell, i -- >> ben? >> i think that you saw last night almost before you assess winners and losers and what people's strategy might have
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been you have to realize that the bar is different for different people. there are varying degrees for people. what constituted a good night for john kasich is totally different what constituted a good night for donald trump. i think that probably and agreeing with governor richardson, the people who did well, they steered clear of donald trump because the last thing that you want to do is get into an argument with the reality tv show host and i think that's probably the way they thought about it going in and having left the stage that night the best line that i heard was from a christie aide who said once donald trump implodes where is that 30% going to go? that's what everybody is vying for. it's not about arcing with him on stage. it's about watching him in implode and then trying to pick up his support. >> governor, how do you think that donald trump did with explaining the hillary clinton connection? >> well, i think he sounds just like another politician. he contributes to both sides. he had her come to his wedding. he buys politicians. i don't think voters really deep
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down like that. and they're also going to say, my god, is this guy elect i believe? yeah, he's funny, he's charismatic, he's rich, he's been successful. eventually as you get closer to the iowa caucus, for instance, in new hampshire and the caucuses are about organization, and trump doesn't have much of an organization. i think you're going to see republican voters say, okay, he's been a good sideshow and now i've got to decide. this is why i think the moderate candidates in the end like kasich, like rubio, like jeb bush have an advantage. i also think christie restored some of his lost luster with his performance. i think he was pretty strong. >> governor, i got to go, but quickly, do you think biden is going to get in? >> i don't think so but if he does it's going to be a race. >> all right. former new mexico governor bill richardson. former mccain/palin spokesperson, ben. thanks to both of you. my colleague craig melvin is in for francis today and he has a reality check on last night's
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debate for us. what have you found out about the facts? >> oh, we tried. we tried to find out a little bit about the facts, thomas. the candidates touted their accomplishments at last night's debate, all of them. but exactly how true are the words that came out of their mouths? that's what we're -- that's what the fact checks at "the washington post" did last night. let's take a look. jeb bush talked about taxes last nig night. he talked about his accomplishments as governor on taxes. this is what he said. >> i've got a record in florida, i'm proud of my dad and i'm certainly proud of my brother. in florida they call me jeb because i earned it. i cut taxes every year, $19 billion. >> fact check? false. a report by tax analysts said the actual figure was about $13 billion. not $19 billion. chris christie, last night talking about jobs. touting the record of job growth as new jersey governor. take a listen.
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>> we cut business taxes $2.3 billion. and we cut regulation by one-third of what my predecessor put in place. what's happened since? 192,000 new private sector jobs in the 5 1/2 years i've been governor. >> fact check? true. government data shows roughly 181,000 jobs were gained between january 2010 and june of 2005. donald trump now. the donald last night talking about campaign contributions, talking about giving calm ina cash to his opponents. this is what he said. >> most of the people on this stage i've given to. just so you understand. a lot of money. >> most on the stage. fact check? false. data compiled shows that trump actually donated to just two of the people on the stage with him, scott walker and jeb bush. mark corubio last night. marco rubio with that feisty
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exchange with megyn kelly on the issue of abortion. >> how do you justify ending a life just because it gips violently through no fault of the baby? >> megyn, first of all, i'm not sure that's a right assessment of my record. >> you don't favor abortion -- fact check. rubio actually has a mixed record on abortion exemptions. he has previously supported bills with and without exemptions for rape and insist victims. scott walker here. scott walker touting the unemployment numbers of wisconsin under his rein as gov fer. this is what he said. >> before i came in the unemployment rate was over 8%. it's now down to 4.6%. we more than made up for the jobs that were lost during the recession. >> fact check. the numbers check out with federal data. as moderator pointed out, walker has added half as many jobs as he first promised though. thomas, these are just some of his statements that we heard
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last night from the folks who are on stage there. that takes us to our bing question of the day. here it is. the bing pulse question of the day. was donald's performance last night presidential? the pulse is now live. you can logon to you can join the conversation right now. we will be tracking our results throughout the show. we'll also have the pulse from viewers, live from the streets of new york city. that's coming up in just a few moments. >> craig, we look forward to seeing if people feel it was presidential. we know a lot of people feel it was entertaining. >> yes. >> so we'll see if we can get this distinction of presidential in there. >> always good television with donald trump. democratic affection? senator chuck schumer breaks with the president to oppose the iranian nuclear deal. we'll look at what that could mean for the accords prospects on capitol hill. also ahead, 25-year-old mystery. could this newly released surveillance video finally solve a notorious heist at a boston museum? final farewell, special
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guests helping jon stewart end his rein on "the daily show." >> i'm jon stewart. i'm dumb. i'm stupid. nah, nah, nah. so long, jack [ bleep ]. i noti i just had to adopt him. he's older so he needs my help all day. when my back pain flared up we both felt it i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. then my friend said "try aleve". just two pills, all day. and now, i'm back for my best bud! aleve. all day strong and try aleve pm, now with an easy open cap. [music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up! you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end!
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so the monthly jobs report is out today and shows 215,000 jobs are wee crated, slightly below what was expected. however, revisions to two previous months was a positive in the report. the unemployment rate remaining even at 5.3%. filings for unemployment benefits stays down the lowest levels since the 19 sweb70s. president obama is being dealt a big blow on the iran nuclear deal. senator chuck schumer came out against the deal, number three
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senate democrat is the highest ranking jewish lawmaker in congress. schumer says he plans to vote it down, quote, because i believe iran will not change. and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power. nbc's luke russert joins me from washington. luke, as we look at the timing schumer's announcement has big implications. so talk about the timing and then also do you think that he's going to begin to lobby against it? >> well, let's talk about the timing, thomas. it is timing that the white house does not like. i spoke to a house democratic member close to the white house last night and he said, why couldn't schumer have just waited until labor day because now he's words are going to be used in attack ads run in the august recess against this deal. make no mistake about it, the obama and those member of congress closest to them are upset about what happened here. and the other thing with schumer, thomas, is that degree of specificity of what you get
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into in this statement. he also comes out and says that he's very uncomfortable because of the 24-day period of inspection, that is something that we often hear from republicans and that is something -- >> luke? >> go ahead. >> let me jump in because josh earnest is being asked about this specifically at the press briefing at the white house. >> let me just do the math here. we're up to 12 members of congress who came out in support of the deal. that's seven in the house and five in the united states senate. so certainly the two members that you mentioned are influential members of congress but they have one vote. and since the speech we've gotten substantially more votes in support of the deal. i think that's an indication of how persuasive the president's speech was and how persuasive a case it is that he is making to members of congress and to the american public. >> it's not every day you loose the -- >> they are listening to josh earnest talk about where they stand on the certain votes. luke, i wanted to get that in. >> yeah. >> go back to where this all
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stands, especially with the fact that schumer could start to lobby and get support for people to vote against it. >> so schumer said that this is a vote of conscience. he doesn't want to specifically lobby his fellow members against it. we'll take him at his word for that. the most dangerous place to be is between chuck schumer and a tv camera. for everything we know he's not going on television this weekend speaking out against the deal. that is significant. it seems he's going to allow his fellow democrats to vote on this as a conscience vote. all that being said it's a numbers game. what earnest said right there is actually true. all president obama needs is 34 democrats to stand with him against this resolution of disapproval and he will be okay. he also has nancy pelosi lobbying for him on the house side trying to veto. all republicans are going to be against this. also if you look at this geographically thomas, the democrats who are against it tend to be from either new york, new jersey, connecticut. sort of tri-state area where
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they strong vibrant jewish population that is very upset about this deal because of what iran says, about israel, so that is something to keep an eye on. it's not as national of an issue for democrats. it's much more i would argue in that tri-state area. so from where we stand right now, obama should be okay but this -- make no mistake about i -- is a huge blow. lastly i will say chuck schumer is majority, minority leader in waiting depending on the ds do in the next race. he's not going to be around for president obama when he's the top dog. he's going to be with hillary clinton or somebody else on the republican side. he could get away with this. i don't think harry reid could get away with this. >> nbc's luke russert, appreciate it. >> take care. notorious heist at a boston museum went unsolved for 25 years. in this fresh feed, never before released surveillance video it could help crack a cold case. we've got that and much more when we come back. [ school bell rings ]
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the national weather service confirming today it was a tornado that tore through troy, alabama, and destroying a walmart, neighboring sporting good store, injuring five people. two of the injured were inside the walmart when that storm hit late last night. wind caused damage to buildings and flipped trucks and trailers in the parking lot. fortunately none of the injuries are considered serious. the death toll from an outbreak of legionnaire's disease in new york city is ten. 101 people have been diagnosed since the outbreak of the disease. 45e health officials have disinfected the five cooling towers in the bronx that tested positive for the bacteria that leads to the disease and they are continuing to keep people under observation showing symptoms. the fbi is hoping a newly released surveillance video will lead them to a break in one of america's major unsolved mysteries. back in 1990 a pair of men disguised as cops took off with 13 treasures from boston's
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isabella start museum nape took off with a haul worth at half a billion dollars. the fbi says it applied new technology to this old video. >> it took this video and said, hey, maybe there's an opportunity to enhance this with the technology we have today. we sent it down to the fbi lab to try to enhance it. >> so the new video is taken 24 hours before the actual heist. authorities are considering whether it could have been a dry run. really fascinate ing there. all right. so we go back to politics. let's talk about one of the big winners from last night's republican debate and it didn't take place on the main stage. carly fiorina was one of the seven lower polling candidates relegated to the earlier debate. called the happy hour debate. she's gotten strong marks across the board. and was one of the first people to hit donald trump for his ties to the clintons. take a look. >> i didn't get a phone call from bill clinton before i jumped in the race. did any of you get a phone call
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from bill clinton? i didn't. maybe it's because i haven't given money to a foundation or donated to his wife's senate campaign. >> joining me now from cleveland is national political reporter for bloomberg politics. want to show everybody this graphic and various news outlets from "washington post" to politico saying that carly fiorina won. for those who didn't watch the 5:00 p.m. debate, talk about what she did and why she was able to garner this kind of reaction. >> thomas, i think the consensus is she helped herself a lot. she got her message out. he she attacked hillary clinton right off the bat and after that as well. centerpiece of her campaign she's going to be the person who is not afraid to throw punches, who is going to attack hillary clinton and she also attacked donald trump early on for past ties to the clintons. she got her message out on a number of issues really. she said the first call on iran, the nuclear deal which all republicans and conservatives are opposed to. the first two calls she would make as president are to the
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israeli prime minister and iran making clear she stands with israel and will oppose the iran deal. i think part of it was style. she got her message out after the debate. i spoke to her and she hit jeb bush for a comment he said earlier in the week about women's health. he said something along the lines of i don't believe we need to spend half a billion dollars on women's health. bush said he was talking about planned parenthood. fiorina talked about how it was foolish and it would be used effectively on an attack ad by hillary clinton. making a case that jeb is stumbling a little bit and the republicans should nominate a candidate like her. >> effectively using it as an attack for herself against bush. and talking about having this leverage now because we have the next debate coming up on september 16th at the ronald reagan library in california. is there enough time for her to vault into the top ten and, if so, who has to get out of her way for her to rise to that level? >> thomas, it's going to be difficult for her but it's certainly doable if she continues to get the cover ran and attention she has out of this.
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the problem for her is the two people at the bottom of the top ten in the fox news debate were chris christie and john kasich, both of whom delivered strong performances during the debate. she's going to have to unseat one of them or hope somebody else collapses. it's not going to be an easy lift but this is what she's going for. >> really interesting to see her rise up through the ranks of the happy hour debate. nobody in the audience apparently it was going to be an issue with letting people come in and be a part of that earlier debate, then get them out and let everybody else get in for the 9:00 p.m. showing. that's why there was no one there. we have developing news to pass along, republican hopefuls are in atlanta today for the red state gathering. this is just one day after debate number one, hours after. and we're expecting louisiana governor bobby jindal to take the stage any moment. we'll take you live to atlanta next and we're bing pulse question of the day is about donald trump. was his debate performance last
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night presidential? the pulse is live. weigh in, (vo) what's your dog food's first ingredient? corn? wheat? in new purina one true instinct grain free, real chicken is always #1. no corn, wheat or soy. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. nbut your dell 2-in-1 laptoped gives you the spunk for an unsanctioned selfie. that's that new gear feeling.
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just moments ago at the white house press secretary josh earnest confirmed president obama did not watch last night's gop debate. and developing right now just hours after the big showdown we've got several republican candidates, they are attending the red state gathering. it's an annual event bringing in conservative activists. takes place in atlanta. louisiana governor bobby jibdnd expected to speak there. and rick perry spoke about the need to have a strong military. >> let me be very clear about something. you elect me president of the united states and america will be strong again militarily. america will be respected around the world because we have a strong -- ronald reagan got it right. >> so joining me from atlanta is
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nbc's kelly o'donnell. kelly, governor christie was also there this morning. you spoke to him specifically, talk about his reaction to the debates last night and what he's doing there today. >> we were able to do his first interview today, thomas, and governor christie is really one of the candidates who is not a natural fit for this group. these are activists on the most conservative side of the republican party. we're is it chew waitsituated it 800 attendees. christie certainly took that head-on in his public remarks here tee teasing the crowd about the pleasure of being in a red state, if you're a republican in new jersey, and he joked, hey, you can listen to this accent for eight years, couldn't you? i spoke to him one-on-one and asked him about what his real mission is when he is not that natural fit with this group of republican voters. >> the idea that these folks are
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not my wheelhouse is really the product of two things. one, where i come from because people think you can't possible be a conservative republican if you're from the northeast, and that's wrong. second because these folks don't know my record. that's why i've come here today is i want them to know my record. >> and governor christie also made a real pitch about his pro-life stance and how it should be pro-life for the life of a human being not just the issue of abortion. bobby jindal, governor of louisiana, is to speak next. when you mention rick perry and the military, only perry and lindsey graham are actually veterans in this large field of republicans. 17 in the race now. and when i talked to some voters here, ted cruz is a particular favorite, again, because these are very active animated cover serve tives who like his style. i've asked about donald trump. reaction i've been getting so far is sort of, well, he's donald trump. they like the fire he brings to the race. not getting a sense that he's
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got actual voter supporters yet. at least those that i have met in person so far. thomas? >> kelly o'donnell reporting there in atlanta and we're just showing everybody briefly there is louisiana governor bobby jindal who has just taken the stage speaking at the red night gathering. in the hours since last night donald trump has spent as much time targeting fox news anchor megyn kelly as he has his real political opponents. trump taking offense to some of the questions that he got, specifically this one in particular. >> your twitter account has several disparaging comments about women's looks. you once told a contest tent on "celebrity apprentice" it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. does that sound to you like a temperament of a man we should elect as president. >> so on this morning, on "morning joe," trump spoke by telephone saying he's no angel but he doesn't recall making some of the remarks that were mentioned at last night's debate by kelly. >> i don't remember that on the
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"apprentice" and i don't know where they got some of these words, to be honest with you. in fact, i'm going to have somebody call up and find out where these words came from. >> so we did the research and here's a look back at one memorable moment from season six of "celebrity a pepprentice." >> brandi came in here and got down on her knee, i'm passionate to do this. i'm the team -- >> excuse me. you droppeded to your knees? >> yes. >> and begged to do this. i said i'm looking around the room. he mad even la toya thought -- >> must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees. >> amorasa said me. >> in his defense trump did say last night he won't make apologies for being politically incorrect. joining me now on the telephone contest tent brande roderick. you didn't watch the debate last night, correct? >> no, but i did see this clip. i actually went back to watch exactly what everybody is talking about. >> so now that you've seen it and you know it's in context and
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how the question was phrased by megyn kelly. what's your reaction to the comments last night? again, donald trump saying he's no angel but the reaction, except from the audience. >> yeah, i actually didn't even remember -- like him, i didn't even remember him saying that. from the clip you can see all he was reacting to is what he thought it would have looked like. you know, i've always had a positive experience around donald. he's always been encore ranning. he's never been disrespectful to me. i don't condone men being derogatory but i think hess just -- he's on television. he's trying to be funny. i don't think that he meant anything, you know, horrible by it. >> when the defense mode that donald trump went in to last night about political correctness, do you agree with donald trump and the way that he rolls is basically by being incorrect, making no apologies, no surrender?
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>> you know, i think that he's going to be the way that he is and i understand the crowd whent crazy when he said that. so i think that people -- people are seeing that that is refreshing, apparently, the way the crowd reacted. >> and the man that you know from behind the scenes from p "celebrity apprentice" and the man we see at that podium stage or on tv and other events being interviewed, is it the same guy? does it mash up well to your recollection, brande? >> well, what i can say is from my experience, i've never seen him be disrespectful personally and he treats his daughter like a princess. so i think that that should say something. you know, i see the way that he treats his children and his daughter, and i feel like he's -- you know, he never treats them badly. so it's -- yeah, it's hard to
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say. i can only speak from my experience which has never been a bad ernst poo. >> we certainly appreciate your insight. brande, thanks for your time. >> thank you. so we've got much more politics coverage ahead on msnbc, including your answers to our bing pulse question. was donald trump's debate performance presidential? and then later, a white 19-year-old shot dead by police in south carolina. his family is asking where is the outrage for their son? his parents are going to join me coming up in our next hour.
10:44 am
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what's in your wallet? [music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up! you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing] so now back to our other top story today, reaction to the presidential debate. the debate blue ew up social me. more than 7 1/2 million people talked about the debate on facebook last night with 20 million likes, posts, comments, and shares related to the debate. the top issues discussed during the debate on facebook were
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immigration, racial issues, the economy, education, and abortion. the top candidates, donald trump, ben carson, rand paul, mike huckabee, and chris christie. now, take a look at this cool visualization we made. it shows you how much speaking time each candidate had on the debate stage by the size of their last name. donald trump, as you see, had the most time. rand paul had the least, at that timing short of donald trump by more than five minutes. bing pels question of the day is did donald trump sound presidential in last night's debate. i want to go to my colleague craig melvin outside 30 rock last night. craig, what are you hearing? >> thomas roberts, we took the bing question of the day to the streets. this is steve from chicago. saw most of the debate last night. was donald trump's performance, was it presidential? >> i don't know. i think it was more of the same.
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skirting the issues. i think it's only a matter of time for the other 19 candidates, forgot how to make him look bad. i didn't get much out of it. >> this is sherry, steve's wife, also from chicago. welcome to new york city, by the way. >> thank you. >> let this ambulance pass by. was it presidential last night? >> i don't feel so. i thought he portrayed himself a lot like he does on his tv show. he's very animated, big arm movements. he was just stirring things up again rather than getting right at it. >> caricature of himself. >> absolutely. >> this is daniel. daniel is from ohio, from cleveland, in fact, the site of last night's debate. was not there. was here watching. what did you think? >> i thought it was great debate. very interesting. specifically i know we're all talking about donald trump. i think he's continuing to use that shock tactic. really in your face. i think, you know, he still lacks some of that presidential, you know, really speaking
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quality. ic i think he needs to continue to refine if energy that he brings if he's going to be a true candidate. >> you sound like you could be a political consultant. >> i do consulting, not political but -- >> okay. okay. daniel, thank you so much. sherry, thank you so much, steve, thank you as well. there you have it, thomas, no one on the streets thinks that donald trump's performance last night was presidential. >> we can encourage people, craig, to keep voting because the pulse is live at craig, thank you, sir. see you back here shortly. coming up, 22 degrees below zero. imagine that. nbc's kerry sanders gives us an exclusive look inside the world's largest cold weather test chamber. but first, a curtain call. a few tear, and many more jokes as jon stewart, hotsts "the daiy show" one last time. >> you can't possibly leave without saying good-bye to your sam.
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>> wait. who's sam? >> i am, jon. >> what am i, -- i'm diane? >> no, jon. you're frodo. how's it progressing with the prisoner? he'll tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. as you were... where were we? 13 serving 14! service! if your boss stops by, you act like you're working. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. no student's ever been the king of the campus on day one. but you're armed with a roomy new jansport backpack, a powerful new dell 2-in-1 laptop, and durable new stellar notebooks, so you're walking the halls with varsity level swagger.
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this is just -- it's a conversation. this show isn't ending. we're merely taking a small pause in the conversation. a conversation which, by the way, i have hogged and i apologize for that. rather than saying good-bye or good night i'm just going to say, i'm going to go get a drink and i'm sure i'll see you guys before i leave. >> so after weeks of build-up, pomp and circumstance, jon stewart's 16-year run as host has come to an end. the finale last night was a mix of humor, remotion and a lot of hugging.
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big stars made cameos in a night that almost brought the comedian to tears and among the highlights, a mini concert from none other than the boss himself and with me, "the new york times" cultural dave iskoff. you watched this from -- >> not good enough for jon stewart's studio but good enough for -- >> really good seats. >> exactly. >> if i nfinale. >> bleacher seats. >> a pew research poll found that 21% of people 18 to 29 say "daily show" and "snl" is where they regularly learn presidential news. how impact a does he leave us? the void culturally to leave us? >> he's had an impact. people cite those polls. i exercise a right to be skeptical about the media saying it doesn't tell the whole story. they wanted to see what his take
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on events were. that they already knew about. they wanted to know how he would weigh in on a debate. unfortunately, he didn't get to write in on the presidential debate. >> the timing of that. >> heart breaking, right? >> big names in politics and some big names from hollywood who wished him well and some not so try. >> good riddance. >> don't go. come back. jon, i'm being sarcastic. >> and just when i'm reasoning for president. what a bummer. >> hmm. >> hmm. see ya, pip squeak. >> have fun eating your rabbits. >> i'm jon stewart. i'm dumb, i'm stupid. nah nah. so long, chuckles. >> that was a good one. trevor noah picks up from here. >> right. >> and he's going to take the show in his own direction, right? >> although that's what he said and there's going to be a kind
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of -- i think a period of continuity that most of the executive producers running the show now are staying with him. i think trevor definitely wants to continue the tradition known at wholly reunnighted show day one. >> a transition, for all. we'll miss jon and thank him. we thank you, dave. and, you know, we -- my husband and i got to see jon stewart leave last night. i snapped this photo of jon leaving the building. >> doing double duty as paparazzi. >> i was in the dog park. i wasn't that stalkery. >> just a random coincidence. >> worked out. this is the dog park we go to. but this really segues nicely into the special i narrated tonight. jon stewart has left the building on msnbc at 9:00 p.m. right here after "all in." the gop debate and donald trump, did the commentings on women cross the line? another claim that no one is talking about immigration if it
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weren't for him. did his and the other candidates' responses do anything to win over hispanic voters? one of the night's youngest reporters. don't go away.
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ahh, you're good. i like to bake. with at&t get up to $400 dollars in total savings on tools to manage your business. hi, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. we are going to get straight to what everybody's talking about. last night's first presidential debate and like we thought it turned out to be the donald trump show. >> mr. trump? >> if i'm the nominee, i will pledge i would not run as an independent. we want to win and we will win. >> used to buying politicians. >> i have given him plenty of money. >> you call women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. your twitter account -- >> only rosie o'donnell. i don't frankly have time for total political correctness. our leaders are stupid.
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our politicians are stupid. i don't think you heard me. you're having a hard time tonight. most of the people on this stage i've given to just so you understand. a lot of money. >> not me. not me. >> with hillary clinton, i said be at my wedding and she came to my wedding. you know why? she had no choice. it's medieval times. we don't have time for tone. we have to go out and get the job done. >> this morning, trump said he did a pretty good job in the first debate and faced some very tough ques. >> i think i handled it well. i guess you have a couple of polls that came out. drudge and "time" and and i won in a landslide. jeremy's very good newspaper with a beautiful story today in it about trump won. >> so we're covering every angle of this story with chief political correspondent jonathan allen, amy holmes and paul henderson, analyst and form eee
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defense attorney. the rivals speaking at the red state event taking place in atlanta. bobby jindal on the stage. but i want to play for everybody a reminder. one of the sharpest exchanges of last night between donald trump and moderator megyn kelly. >> you call women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. >> only rosie o'donnell. i think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. >> all right. so and just to point out, also, that through trump's twitter account he retweeted a random person who called kelly a bimbo. amy, how should the base be feeling, those supportive of donald trump and the exchange of megyn kelly and now the fact of not him saying it but the account called her a bimbo in a
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retweet. >> i think of him as jesse ventura with money. if you like pro-wrestling, you probably loved donald trump last night and cheering him on with all of his bluster and bombast. i thought donald trump crossed the line with those remarks a long time ago when he first said those things about rosie o'donnell. unfortunately, i have to say his comeback last night was effective. but when he got personal with megyn kelly about not treating her so nicely, a lot of the audience b 0oed. they didn't like that. so, you know, trump supporters, they're passionate about him, standing up for the little guy and them. even if that means standing up to i guess rosie o'donnell? >> yeah, well, reaction in the audience to that also discouraging because of the way that it was landing a joke against rosie o'donnell. who happened to be at hamilton the musical, the opening of that here in new york last night. taking on politics a different
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way on broadway for her. so not watching the debate. jonathan, i'm just getting a reco report that a record 24 million people tuned in last night for the debate. so that means that 24 million people likely watched the very beginning to see the refusal of donald trump to take the pledge not to run as a third party candidate. so, is that a disqualifier and if so how much of a worry does the republican party have on its hands with the current success of trump? >> i think there is a huge concern that he either win it is nomination or runs as a third party candidate and plays spoiler. we have seen a report recently bill clinton encouraged him to take a more position in the democratic party and the hand raising on stage is all of the rest of the candidates suggested they would support donald trump as the republican party's
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nominee. i don't know which is crazier, donald trump running a third party candidacy or the rest of them saying they'd support him? >> and i don't know if rand paul would really support him. he truly went after donald trump trying to punch up. paul, let me ask you. are you surprised at the lack of candidates that tried to take on donald trump last night or do you think that was a smart effective move on their part to just stay out of his way? >> i think all of them were trying to stay out of his way. they don't want to engage. and look. to me the whole thing is like this is very entertaining. trump to me is like your drunk relative you know will come to thanksgiving and put on a show. everybody wants to watch and see what he's going to say. the bigger picture is like in the long run where does that take the party and where does that take the future debate? what's the interaction going to be like? i thought it was very clear that the candidates were kind of withdrawing from engaging against him because they didn't
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want to be attacked. they didn't want to be a part of his next sound bite and it was interesting watching that dynamic. i'm just curious in the long term what that's going to reflect on in terms of his leadership in terms of rallying the party or isolating the party. >> meanwhile, rand paul out there to tangle it up and one of the exchanges with chris christie i want to play for everybody. take a look. >> listen, senator. you know, sitting in a subcommittee blowing hot air about this, you can say things like that. when you're responsible for protecting the lives of the american people then what you need to do is to make sure -- make sure that you use the system the way it's supposed to work. >> i don't trust president obama. you gave him a big hug. if you want to again, go right ahead. >> that was a good line. amy, let me ask you, though, because both of these men needed a pop. right? and did this performance that we witnessed last night, is that going to help them? >> well, it's getting replayed over and over and over again. and was such a big surprise.
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i mean, who expected that the major fireworks of the evening were between chris christie and rand paul? and you know what else, thomas? it was also substantive. you really saw two very differing views on the patriot act, nsa wiretapping and national security and the measures to protect us from terrorism. i appreciated that moment. i think chris christie and rand paul do getting headlines alongside of donald trump. >> we'll show you they do in the next poll. donald trump launched his campaign with some controversial remarks about hispanics in mexico. last night he refused to back away from those comments. in fact, several debaters appeared to be following his lead on immigration. if not in tone, then at least in substance. take a listen. >> if it weren't for me, you wouldn't even be talking about imlegal immigration, chris.
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>> mr. trump is touching a nerve. they want to see an end to illegal immigration. >> i agree with what governor kasich just said. people are frustrated. >> i'm iraned by raul reyes. first, you heard trump start the immigration debate and got reaction on twitter but is he correct that he was able to invigorate this conversation, maybe a provocative way people don't like but people are talking? >> he stirred up the conversation, certainly. but this is -- has been for several years one of the most contentious issues in the nation so i wouldn't -- for him to say, it's typical trump bro bra va do but what made an issue is mexican immigrants. what was interesting at the debate last night, although illegal immigration came up repeatedly, even after they moved on from the segment
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devoted it, it came back. there was very little discussion of what to do with the 11 million undocumented people who are already here. jeb bush touched on it very briefly and there was almost no discussion of that. the discussion was largely centered on border security, more immigration enforcement and building a wall. >> but where does it the party go if they don't provide that cogent policy message to go after the hispanic voting bloc they so desperately need to gain the white house? >> 75% of latinos have a sharply negative view of trump and he was like him or not the star of this debate and even the earlier one referenced and wasn't there. so he is, you know, an important figure in the party right now. they can't address it with him there and the republican positions aren't really that different from his and when they keep focusing discussion on border security, what that in effect means is they don't want
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to address comprehensive reform. it's covered intensely on spanish language immediaand sco walker said he'd change it and the american public mainstream public supports comprehensive reform, most recent poll said two thirds of americans want the pathway to citizenship. so that, you know, was left up said. also, for latinos viewing, no mention of cuba, a signature issue of rubio or puerto rico. >> we heard of cuban parents and other than that, nbc contributor, raul reyes, thank you. craig melvin is here to take a look at how much time end candidate got on stage. who's the star of the show? >> not much of a surprise who came out on top with regards to time consumed on stage. candidates fought for time. some came out more victorious than others, thomas. here's a word cloud. it shows you how the candidates
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stacked up against each other. no surprise there that donald trump outdid his opponents. got the most time. how much? this might be a bit of a surprise. take a looksy here. donald trump, 10:30. jeb bush, 8:30. and then mike huckabee, this is surprising. huckabee clocked in at 6:30. ben carson, about 6:30. ted cruz at 6:28, as well. take a look at the next group here. the next group of candidates, rounding out the bottom five, kasich and rubio about 6:25, chris christie just over 6 minutes. scott walker, 5:43. this we thought was the biggest surprise of the night. senator rand paul in last place with about 4:50, thomas roberts. 4:50. for the kentucky senator. >> at least he made the best of it getting into a few tus us the
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sells and one liners. >> you have simi valley in california and moderated by cnn. october 28th in boulder, colorado. that's going to be moderated by cnbc. and then "wall street" and fox business moderating a debate in wisconsin. cnn mod ratding another debate on december 15th. in las vegas. in january, fox news will host another debate this one in iowa. february 6th, abc will be moderating a debate in manchester, new hampshire. cbs, a debate in south carolina on february 13th and then a debate february 26th in houston. lots -- >> my head is spinning, right now, craig. >> that's announced so far. who's to say we don't get one or two more popping up between now and then? >> all right. we've been asking everyone to weigh in on the bing pulse question of the day. was donald trump's debate performance last night president snshl take a look at what you are feeling about the
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performance last night. >> good job. >> good job, bernie. you microphone is open, craig. 44% said, yes. 56% said, no. that's how you feel about the performance last night. 56% feeling that it wasn't presidential. go to and we'll have your responses coming up later and also we're sending craig melvin lack outside. i don't know if you're listening to me outside. >> going out. >> going back out. see what the people feel. coming up next, the happy hour debate. who pulled away from the pack? plus, she was name dropped more than once during last night's debate. how's hillary clinton's camp responding today? also ahead, a 19-year-old is shot and killed by police in south carolina. and a lot of questions are being raised about the circumstances. his family is asking, though, where is the outrage for their son's death? his parents join me coming up in a few minutes.
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but first, take a look at this photo. very scary moments for passengers on a plane at nashville international airport this morning. the sky west flight about to take off for cincinnati when a aux ill yair engine caught fire. the fire extinguished itself. the plane returned to the gate. no passengers were hurt. ♪ no student's ever been the king of the campus on day one. but you're armed with a roomy new jansport backpack, a powerful new dell 2-in-1 laptop, and durable new stellar notebooks, so you're walking the halls with varsity level swagger. that's what we call that new gear feeling. you left this on the bus... get it at the place with the experts
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to get you the right gear. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business...
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that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? i'm a senior field technician for pg&e here in san jose. pg&e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services.
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raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. my oldest son now works for pg&e. when i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, it's always a pleasure. i love my job and i care about the work i do. i know how hard our crews work for our customers. i want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. together, we're building a better california. i think this is a long race, honestly. i have said for a long time this is a process of elimination before it is a process of selection and i think after last night i'm still in the race and i'm going to be in the race for the long haul. >> still in the race and making news. that is carly fiorina. he appeared on "morning joe" today and participated in the earlier debate considered the
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happy hour debate among the candidates that didn't crack the top ten and many believe she won the earlier debate. she hit the clintons, hit president obama and even hit the republican front uner donald trump for the clinton connections. >> i didn't get a phone call from bill clinton before i jumped in the race. did any of you get a phone call from bill clinton? i didn't. maybe it's because i hadn't given money to the foundation or donated to his wife's senate campaign. >> an associate politics editor at "the huffington post" joins us now. ig igor, if there's one thing that people agree on is that carly fiorina won her debate. she won the happy dour debate and that she dominates. so what do you think provoked this reaction? was it just her preparedness coming into that forsnum. >> i think-two things. her preparedness, assertiveness, confidence on stage. looked like she belonged at the main event.
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she hit strong answers on iran. she said she would be strong on illegal immigration. called out donald trump directly. so she did a lot of things well and factor in that some of the other candidates really fell flat. it is easy to be a big fish in a small pond so i think really she did what she needed to do and now it's time to see whether gop primary voters give her the benefit of the doubt. >> but the question being now, igor, is that good enough to get her to the top ten and make it into next month's debate? can she take down someone like john kasich or a chris christie in the short amount of time between now and then? >> you know, i think it's a real challenge for her. she is polling between 1% and 2% so whether she can really stand out further is a question. she did become the most searched -- one of the most searched candidates last night on google. so it shows that people that
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people are taking interest in her. whether she can go up against an accomplished and popular governor like john kasich and barely made the main event is a question to answer. >> she has the trump resume of being a business leader and not a politician and i think resonated for her, too, last night. igor, great to see you. >> thank you. there were tears, laughter, of course, a lot of sarcasm. jon stewart says the final farewell to "the daily show." >> i said -- hey, trevor. >> what's up? >> could you give me like 20 more minutes? >> oh. oh, i'm or i'm so sorry. >> you will be great. >> we'll have more on that. plus, 22 degrees below 0. imagine that. nbc's kerry sanders giving us an inside exclusive look of a car torture chamber. they have those and we have it when we come back.
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11:24 am
that's our show. i thank you so much for the privilege of being able to perform it for you for the privilege of being able to do it and so here it is. my moment of zen. >> jon stewart, long-time host of "the daily show" said farewell thursday night and it was a show filled with guests ranging from journalists to rock stars and some of stewart's prime political targets. >> never forget you, jon. but i will be trying. >> and just when i'm running for president. what a bummer. >> i'm sure you'll be missed by somebody. >> correspondents from the past 16 years came back to honor him including those whose careers he helped launch like stephen colbert. watch our special "jon stewart
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has left the building" tonight at 9:00 p.m. on msnbc. in florida they're renting a freezer putting the vehicles through extreme conditions and testing how well they stand up to bumps and potholes and might sound like torture to some. and it is. nbc's kerry sanders takes us inside the curious testing phenomenon. >> reporter: in the searing florida sun behind super insulated walls, a hangar so cold here it's snowing. it takes ten minutes, four layers of military-grade protection before anyone can enter the ice chamber. ready. the car's been sitting? >> it's been sitting since 3:00 yesterday afternoon. >> reporter: perfect place for ford testing engineer to see if the f-350 super duty diesel will actually start. >> what's the computer telling
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you? >> told me that the engine speed came up. >> reporter: if somebody gets a truck and doesn't start, what could potentially happen? >> they could be stuck literally out in the cold. >> reporter: in a worst-case scenario, a vehicle that won't start or an engine that in just too much snow could put a stranded driver in a life or death situation which explains why in torture team wants to solve problems here before they get to your driveway. the mckinley climate chamber built during world war ii when they discovered combat aircraft struggled to just take cough in frigid temperatures. since then, everything from the stealth bomber to navy hovercraft put through the paces here. >> we can create humidity in the chamber. we do sandstorms and sandstorms. rain inside the chamber. >> reporter: now this month ford renting this giant freezer. 51 engineers here to test 75 new
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models. before they go to market. all automakers put the vehicles through the extremes. from broken concrete to simulate bumps and crater-like potholes. to wet roads where handling and braking is critical. even recreating the sun for glare from trim. fixing problems before you even know there is one. >> if you guys figure it out here i'll never know. >> that's correct. work in the shadows. >> and in the cold. >> and in the cold. >> shadows and the cold. kerry sanders reporting for us. developing right now, presidential hopefuls are there for the red state gathering after the gop debate and we heard from governor bobby jindal. plus, her name spoken more than once last night at the debate. how's the clinton campaign reacting today?
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also ahead, the largest drug bust of its kind in history. 12,000 pounds of cocaine seized from a sub. we'll be right back. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive?
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welcome back, everybody. developing right now in atlanta, several republican presidential candidates turning sights to conservative activists at the red state gathering. now they're hoping to build on the performances from last night's debate. it was in the last hour louisiana governor jindal spoke and had his sights set on president obama. >> maybe the most dangerous thing this president is doing is what he's doing to redefine the very definition and idea of america. this president's working hard to change the definition of the american dream. >> so joining me now from
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atlanta, nbc's kelly o'donnell. we heard from governor jindal there. you had an opportunity to speak with chris christie earlier. what are they all saying and what's the reaction to the performances of last night? >> reporter: well, louisiana governor bobby jindal had the crowd on its feet saying the united states did not create religious liberty and religious liberty created the united states of america. with chris christie talking about his pro-life stance and saying that it needs to be about more than just the issue of abortion and throughout the course of someone's life, whether it's interdicting and helping with a drug dependence or other phases of life. those sorts of sentiments play well here. now on the issue of donald trump, and what he has said about women over time, that was a part of the debate last night and i asked governor christie about that sentiment. should republican women be offended by this? he didn't want to talk about
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trump saying he has to be his own candidate and did answer it and he involved his own wife mary pat. >> i have a really strong, capable, tough wife who wouldn't put up with five seconds of that kind of stuff. so, you know, i know exactly who i am and how i want to speak and that's what i'm responsible for. in the end the party is responsible for who we nominate and say and voters will consider that. >> reporter: and so, much of the buzz in our media conversation is about donald trump. less so here where in the length of speeches that the candidates give and talk directly to motivated conservatives they're talking about a range of issues that matter in this arena. and so, donald trump is part of the conversation but not so much from the stage. this is a red meat kind of gathering, red state, red meat go hand in hand. thomas? >> kelly o'donnell in atlanta, thank you so much.
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a big joke line at the end of the debate. mike huckabee asked to give the final word and sounded like a hit on donald trump. well it turned out to be a well-crafted jab at someone entirely different whose staff following every word from their campaign headquarters. take a listen. >> it seems like this election has been a whole lot about a person who's very high in the polls and doesn't have a clue about how to govern. a person filled with scandals and who could not lead. and of course, i'm talking about hillary clinton. >> all rightment i'm joined by msnbc's alex seitzwald who's covered the clinton campaign. that was a well crafted end to mike huckabee's performance last night. but the clinton had a war room that was watching this. what's their reaction been to how she was utilized for most of
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them to gain points? >> i was inside the hillary clinton campaign headquarters and heard hoots and hollers, laughter, but, you know, overall i think they felt good about the debate. there's eight republican presidential debates coming up. mike huckabee, the others, not worried about that. they're focused on just three people. jeb bush, scott walker and marco rubio. think tier guys they think will be the nomination and took some shots, took the donald trump wedding joke and i think they felt good. >> wedding joke, basically, donald trump saying, you know, i commanded her to be there. is that accurate? i mean, does hillary clinton feel as if she was commanded to be there because he gave money to the campaign? >> that was the one note that i think caused a little bit of disruption inside campaign headquarters. the communications director told me it hurt hillary clinton's feelings. she thought donald trump wanted to be there and he's saying it
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was a token or something. interesting jujitsu there to spin it around, a connection to hillary clinton and could be a weakness, make it an attack on her. >> we'll have to see if they're facebook friends after this. thank you. was donald trump's debate performance last night presidential? craig melvin is outside of 30 rock. he is checking the pulse of people watching last night to see what they thought. what have you found? >> reporter: we found some folks from mississippi. specifically, puckett, mississippi. >> that's right. >> reporter: this is lee. you saw the debate last night. >> i did. >> reporter: was donald trump's performance president shl? >> i don't think. my feelings about him is the reason he was number one ranked with the republicans last night is because people are just frustrated as a whole with both parties. i'm a democrat. i think that last night he just -- he speaks what's on his mind.
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he is not politically correct and sometimes that's refreshing to hear. but i don't think he'll be president. >> reporter: let's talk to angie here, also from puckett, mississippi. >> hi. >> reporter: about 300 people that live there? >> 300 people. >> reporter: 298 there today? >> yes. >> reporter: what did you think? performance was president snshl. >> absolutely not. i think that donald trump is rich and famous, and the way that he came off in the debate was that he, you know, bragged about his money and his popularity and, you know, i just don't think he's the right man for president for our country. >> reporter: from a republican and democrat. you are in town to celebrate mom. show mom here. 70th birthday, thomas. >> mom is looking good. >> they spent some -- yes, she does. >> who's mom on the phone with? who's mom on the phone with, though? >> reporter: who is she on the phone with? >> probably my father. >> reporter: the dad. >> hi, dad, in puckett.
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>> reporter: most folks here on the streets don't seem to think that donald trump's performance last night was very presidential. >> okay. thank you, sir. we appreciate giving us the facts of puckett, mississippi, and 300 people living there. three less today we saw on the streets of new york. thank you, sir. we talk about what sunday means, marks a year since the death of michael bruown, shot dead. a grand jury chose not to indict the officer wilson and he was cleared of violating the civil rights. peaceful demonstrations are expected this weekend in contrast to the weeks of violence that followed the shooting and a benefit concert is also planned. but the conversation, the shooting sparked, on race relations and policing is far from over. and just a short time ago, my clegg spoke to attorney general loretta lynch in a wide-ranging interview and asked the attorney general about changes in
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ferguson and its police department. >> i believe that they're still undergoing a great change. we have opened a pattern and practice investigation into them several -- over a year ago. those results were announced by my predecessor eric holder with the findings we made that not only was there unkons tougs aol policing and a pattern of using the fine system for revenue not in a productive way for the citizens. i think actually a lot of things have changed since ferguson. i think that the importance of that report was that it showed the world what people in ferguson and similar situations had been saying for years. but they just weren't believed because it was outside the consciousness or outside the reality of people who didn't share the situation or didn't share their background or hadn't had those experiences happen to them. so i think it opened the eyes of america and frankly the world to what many minorities are saying
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when they talk about feeling a level of disrespect and a lack of inclusion in their own government, particularly at the municipal level. >> so you can watch the full interview this sunday 10:00 a.m. eastern on msnbc. we'll be right back. . that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? it takes a lot of work... but i really love it.s. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals,
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oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing] turning now to south carolina and the controversy over the shooting death of 19-year-old zachary hammond. according to his family, he was in his car on a first date at a hardee's restaurant and fatally shot by police. the buyer of marijuana of the woman he was with was an undercover police officer. they said he drove his car toward an officer also on the scene and who police say fired his gun in self defense. the county coroner in a statement to our local affiliate said he was struck twice with wounds to the chest and co
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collarbone. they say it suggests it was shot from the front of the family. the family said the autopsy says it was from the side proving that the officer was never in any danger because the car was not aimed at the officer. the county prosecutor has pushed back at the significance of the independent autopsy telling the local nbc affiliate it is consistent with the assessment this hammond shot twice in the upper torso. nbc news reached out to the police for comment. they have just released a batch of documents including a police report that does not mention a shooting. now, the police also say there will be another document batch to be released next week including the name of the officer involved. south carolina law enforcement investigating and joined by paul and an ri hammond, parents of zachary and their attorney eric bland. mr. and mrs. hammond, first, i'm very sorry about the loss of your son.
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but do you believe investigators have been open with you about the details of zach's death? what prompted you to start questioning their version of events? >> i don't believe they've been open with us. as a matter of fact, they really have told us nothing yet. we have absolutely nothing from anybody. they haven't told us anything. we try to ask and we get nothing and the reason to seek an attorney is because of that. we're left in the dark. >> you have been quoted in reports saying the coroner's statement was deceptive. why do you say that? >> it was absolutely deceptive for a week the coroner and the police chief were recorded as saying that zachary was shot in the chest and shoulder. without giving any proper context to the location of where the bullets actually entered his body. and when we saw zachary's body and the coroner photographs last wednesday, we realized we needed a second autopsy to be done and
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we released the photos yesterday and they clearly show that the first shot was in zachary's left rear shoulder located behind his left shoulder and the second shot was through his left side back chest. so to put that in proper context, the officer who shot zachary and actually he was a -- in uniform we're not told his identity or if he had a body cam and located behind zachary. so it's physically impossible for that automobile to have posed any kind of threat to that officer at the time when zachary was shot and he was shot from the rear. and as a lawyer, i'm troubled by the fact that the press, the government, everyone has been slow afoot to come and look at this because we believe that an unarmed teen, white or black, should always be the focus. it shouldn't be the coor of his
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skin. we should focus on the police disconduct, whether excessive force was necessary and reasonable under the circumstances. we believe that if zachary was black that there would be a lot more attention to this matter. >> so again, i just want to correct myself, the local police chief saying that zach drove his car toward a uniformed officer who was also on the scene saying they fired in self defense on this. mrs. hammond, let me ask you. the police chief not released the name of the officer involved yet, with holding the information until next week at least. how does that make you feel about how slowly information has been coming out? >> it's hard for us to grasp. we don't understand what went on. we have no clue as to what happened. all we know is that zach was shot from the back. and, you know, he was our son.
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we don't feel like that his life mattered to them. >> thomas, there were many more reasonable step that is this officer could have taken before leaving his vehicle and drawing his gun and going to zach and firing off his shots. there was not an apb. no warrant for anyone's arrest. there wasn't anybody's life in danger. no weapon in the car. there wasn't a large amount of drugs if any. they didn't wait for a transaction to take place. even if zachary trying to leave, which we dispute, there's no reason for deadly force to be used. there's stringent laws of law enforcement to discharge their weapons in moving vehicles and none of those were present because if you shoot a driver and incapacitate that driver while the automobile is going forward, it's essentially an uncontrolled missile. none of the factors were present. >> mr. bland, let me ask you, you experience pressed attention
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to the attorney general to get involved. have you gotten a response in. >> no. we're talking about the south carolina attorney general. alan wilson to get involved because the local prosecutor's under intense pressure in which whether to bring charges or not. we think to bring this to columbia where the attorney general is and appoint a disinterested prosecutor, this matter would move along more smoothly. >> i see. >> this family has not received one single phone call from law enforcement, the governor or anyone who's an elected official expressing any condolence or offering assistance and the walter scott shooting in north charleston and the emanuel nine, there was an outpouring of support for the families. these people here are the victims. and for the police chief of ceneca to call his officer who
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shot and killed an unarmed 19-year-old kid weighing 121 pounds, a victim of a premeditated murder is absolutely repugnant. >> we thank you all three of you for your time. paul and angie, very sorry for you loss. eric bland, the attorney for the family, thank you for joining us today. we'll be right back after this. [ school bell rings ]
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so among the journalists covering the fireworks at last night's republican debate is 14-year-old i can ra o'connor, part of the scholastic news kids corps, the oldest and largest student reporting program. and i'm happy to say that kyra joins me now. nice to have you on the program. this was your first time covering a national election. so what is your assessment of the debate? how did the candidates do? >> i think every candidate did a very nice job and addressed the issues asked of them. and i think this is a great jumping off point for all of them. >> how do you think the
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moderators did trying to control these ten candidates and elicit good policy responses out of them? >> i think they did a very nice job. sometimes it is hard to ask questions and be completely unbiassed so i think they did a great job doing what they do best. >> we see you interviewing in this picture senator lindsey graham and there you are interviewing carly fiorina and it seems as if carly fiorina really popped out of her earlier debates and there you are with ben carson. what was your impression of the candidates? who was the one that responded the most directly to your questions? >> carly did a very nice job really giving me a lot of attention and i really appreciated that but i think every candidate gave me a good amount of time and great answers and i got a whole lot of information from last night so i'm just thankful that they gave me the time that they did. >> was there one question that
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you asked of all the candidates that you had face time with and what was it? >> i asked them what the biggest issue facing kids in the u.s. today is. and i asked that of every candidate. >> who gave the most interesting response? >> i really -- i remember jeb bush's response, well, his representative's response and he said that jeb bush believed that education was on a state level and i thought that was very interesting response as to the most concerning issue and also how to deal with it. >> kyra, congratulations. a first gop presidential debate under your belt and a successful career ahead of you. thank you so much. appreciate your time. >> thank you. i'm very glad i got to do this. >> our pleasure. all right. that's going to wrap things up and leave you on a high note for this friday. i'll see you back here on monday and also hosting 8:00 p.m. qul all in."
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keep the conversation going. luke russ sert picks up the coverage next. to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain...
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shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain.
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tell 'em cedric sent you. > t.g.i.f. i'm luke russert. the president is leaving town with baggage. one of the closest d.c. allies ensured this is not an easy getaway. red meat on the menu for the weekend after last night's debate. red state gathering is under way. this year, 2016 candidates are taking the stage. donald trump and jeb bush are up tomorrow. chris christie, rick perry and bobby jindal spoke today. carly fiorina, the hero of the undercard debate is live today and marco rubio and helped themselves the most at night's debate. but that wasn't the case for everyone at the main event. rand paul, scott walker and rick
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perry seemed to do themselves more harm than good. jeb bush clearly survived, while as expected donald trump dominated the night. we start the hour live at that meeting in atlanta. nbc's kelly o'donnell is there. kelly, you're at the red state gathering. that's where they enjoy the reddest of red meat. very conservative group. do you expect the candidates to pump up but some like jeb bush may encounter a hostile crowd. what is it like on the ground there? >> reporter: real there's real electricity here, luke, in part because they're active conservatives. they get out and vote. they donate. they work for campaigns. candidates and issues they care about. and the electricity is in part because they watched last night and they have an assessment and to see many of them in person today and tomorrow and hear them at length. participants sa s


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